
Why use less water?

Keeping your lawn perfect and your begonias blooming can take a lot of water. Especially in summer when pressure on water supplies is high. Did you know a hosepipe or sprinkler can use a massive 1000 litres an hour? All this water has to come from somewhere and our reservoir levels can drop to worryingly low levels.

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What can you do to help?

The good news is that there's some pretty simple things you can do to use less water in your garden, and they could save you some money too!

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Garden water saving tips

Our top tips to save as much water as possible in your garden.

Easy wins ⭐

Lose the hose, ditch the sprinkler. Sprinklers and hoses use about 1,000 litres of water an hour – wasting it on places that don't need it. Use a watering can and target only the places that really need it.

Leave your lawn. During dry weather your lawn will naturally turn a little brown. Unless it's newly laid, it will survive just fine and go green the next time it rains.

Watch the weather. Check the forecast – if it's due to rain in the next few days, can watering wait?

A bit more work ⭐⭐

Get a water butt. With a water butt you'll have loads of free rainwater to keep your plants hydrated, and save money on your bills (if you have a water meter).

Smart watering. Water in the morning when it's cooler and less will evaporate in the sun. Also, water your plants at their roots rather than covering the whole plant.

Get mulching. Mulch is any material that is spread across soil as a covering (e.g. bark chips). It saves water by retaining moisture in hot weather, and also helps with weeds. 

Go easy on the paddling pools! We know paddling pools are lots of fun, but they also use A LOT of water. We think a half full pool is just as much fun, and you can make the water last a second day if you cover it. And remember to use the water for your plants when you've finished.

Water saving hero ⭐⭐⭐

Recycle your Grey water. 'Grey' water is any water that you've previously used in your home, that is safe for watering your plants (no harsh cleaning chemicals). This could include water used for dish washing, rinsing fruit and veg, baths, drinks and especially paddling pools – every little helps!

Plant a low water garden. This will require a bit of forward thinking and planning, but planting a drought resistant garden will pay off in years to come. Not only will you save water and money, your garden will potentially be lower maintenance, meaning you can spend more time enjoying it!

You don't have to redesign your garden in one go, replacing plants gradually over time will help too.

More ways to save water at home

Check for leaks, become water smart by making small changes around the home, or pick up a free water saving gadget.

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